Monday, March 29, 2010

Clubs Suck no matter where you are

So I think it's safe to say that anyone who knows me knows I cannot stand clubs. They are overcrowded, too expensive and in general just plain suck. However since everyone in my dorm wanted to go to a club in Zurich I figured hey why not. So we go to this club, which everyone said was suppossed to be one of the best clubs in Zurich, a sure sign it will suck. After some pre-gaming we hit the train and got to the club. At the door there was a line, another sign a club sucks. I hate waiting in line to enter some place with an illogical passion. While in line I tried to see what other bars were around. There were none, I was trapped. So we enter and we get the privilige of paying the cover, which was 30 francs. Pissed off would be an understatment, but hey everyone wants to go in so let's just try to forget about it. then we need a coat check. Go ahead and add another 4 francs to that total. I need a beer so bad to soothe the absolute sheer rage that is brewing inside me right now. I get a beer and guess what, the beer is 10 francs. And it's a Heinekin. I hate Heinekin. So lets add up the total so far. 44 Francs and a total of 1 beer. I wanted someone to bomb that place out of existence. I was thinking maybe I should do it and as my last act alive I would spare planet earth from this miserable wasteland of a club.

To add to this the place is so crowded you can barely move and it is hot as hell. The only good, and that is a relative word here, thing about this place was at least the music was good. None of that europeon electronic mind numbing music. It was all hip hop, R&B, and American pop. I soon found out why as Redman, a rap artist from the US, was in the DJ booth that night. What was also funny is there was a decent amount of people just smoking Marijuana in the club. Like smoking it out in the open and no one seemed to care. It was like it was the normal thing to do. I even see people chiefing up in the local park in front of kids and families.

We leave the club, oh thank god, and head back to Winterthur. The next day people asked me what I thought about the club. They were surprised to hear I hated it. They seemed to love it. I explained that along with not really being a club person, paying 30 francs to get in and 10 francs for a beer cannot nor will it ever be a good club. Their response was well the music was good. My response was if the only reason you liked the club is because they played good music then I will hook up my ipod in my room and charge 20 francs to get in. My music selection can not be beat. Along with that good music shouldn't have to cost 60 francs for 2 beers, being squished while I am in there, and the women in there weren't even hot ( A mortal sin if you are going to charge that amount of entrance fee. There should be a plethora of scantilly clad supermodels packing that place to the ceiling for that entrance price.) We agreed to disagree.

Hopefully I will go to Genevea this weekend, we shall have to see. If I do go I will post as many pics as I can.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Trip to Lucern

So we decided to take a day trip into Lucern, spelled Luzern in German. After about a hour and a half train ride we arrived into Lucern at about 10. We first went and walked across the 2 original bridges that have been in existence since the town was first established. They are old, wooden and have various painting hanging from the cieling. Those painting are from around the 16-17th century and are the originals. Amazing to think that that something that was built so long ago still stands today. After that we went to the famous Weeping Lion monument. It is a statue carved into the side of a mountain. Very impressive. Then we went into some tourist complex. It had an old glacier, museum, a tower that offered amazing views of the city, and the most fun exhibit the house/maze of mirrors. Spent an hour in the maze mostly taking pictures, some of them looked photoshopped. Went and ate lunch after that. My meal was basically a huge portion of hashbrowns covered in cheese bacon and ham. It was good. The other girls had fondue. After that we went to a museum. It was basically a huge warehouse with various things scattered about. Everything had a barcode on or in front of it and you used a scanner that read the barcode. It was pretty fun. After that we went to a church and then went and got some pints at a pub along the river to end the day. While there one of the girls pointed out that in Europe you see just about every man pushing the stroller or carrying the baby. Literally everyone of them the man pushes the stroller or carries the child while the woman walks beside. They both commented on the fact that that is how it should be. I kept my mouth quiet, mostly because I was outnumbered. Gotta pick your battles. Left at about 7. All in all it was a fun day.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Hey! Das geht ab

So I have noticed that whenever this one song comes on when we are in a club, every german goes ballistic. The name of the song is Hey das geht ab, which translates to hey that's awesome. Literally every person of german orgin runs to the dance floor and starts pumping their fists in a way that the cast members of Jersey Shore would be envious of. It's funny to watch. So if you ever find yourself DJing a party made of of primarily germans make sure you have this song on repeat, you cannot fail. Heres the link to the video with the lyrics in german.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

This brand dominates my existence

So this is the cheap stuff here in Switzerland. This brand is from the store called COOP. COOP sells everything, literally. They even have their own bank. This is the only stuff I can find that doesn't cost an arm and a leg. The chocolate for example cost 80 cents. The red bull rip off costs 5 franks for 6 drinks. They even have their own beer that costs 60 cents, but it's a tall boy somewhere around 22 ounces. If you're keeping track that means the beer is actually cheaper than the chocolate. You'd think that the beer would be terrible, and to an extent it is, however it is better to pay 60 cents for this brand than 3 francs for the other. The one thing I have noticed about Swiss beer is that it all tastes the same. I'm not kidding, it literally all tastes the same. I'm starting to think they just bottle it all in one large plant and put different labels on it.

So anyway we go tho this club last night and it broke the bank on absolute bull you know what. So when you go in they give you this pay card. It looks like a credit card with a chip in it. Everytime you buy a drink they put this card into a machine and then show you the screen. Problem was the screen was in swiss-german and I couldn't figure out what the price was. So you do not pay anything until you leave. Right before the exit is a guy with a computer who takes your card, inserts it into the machine and then you recieve your total. So it's like a surprise waiting for you before you leave, but not a very fun surprise. So you don't know what anything costs until you get too the register. It is absolutely absurd. I bought 2 beers and one time the machine showed a 10 and then the next time it showed a 12. I get up to the register guy, and my total was 18 franks, so 9 dollars for some crappy mexican lime infused beer. Not a very fun surprise and the reason I will never step foot into that bar/club ever again. After that we go to this place called the Archbar. This bar is actually very fun. They play a mixture of american club music and the europeon brain numbing techno. Beers are 7 franks but that is cheap in these parts. Archbar I have to say is by far my favorite place here. Everyone always has a good time and it is a five minute walk from the dorm. Now if the Prix brand would only open a club so I don't have to apply for a small loan everytime I want to go out.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Let's Do Some Swiss E-Banking

So this is my Debit card. I got it last Friday. Alright lets check my balance to see if my wire transfer from America made it.

Alright, I've logged into the e-finance website from my bank. Enter user name, sure will. Alright now I need a challenge code. So we'll go ahead ands use this thing. No it is not a calculator.

See look it has a slot in the back for my debit card.

Alright I need a challenge code. Ok so I insert my card into the reader as shown and it says to enter the challenge code from the e-finance website. Sweet it looks like I am almost there.
Oh looks like there is one more step. I need to enter my pin code for my debit card. Awwww man. Well alright just one more step. Now what did I put down for my pin-code. Hmmmmmmm. Maybe I put it in my bag.......Up no not there. Maybe I wrote it down somewhere. Okay lets see, school schedule, map of Winterthur, notes from class,..... oh
here is something from the bank about my debit card maybe I wrote it on this sheet.
Well thats weird it says that I have recieved my card, but that they will send my pin code later. Awesome so here's how this works. You first recieve your debit card. Then some more mail about your on-line banking. If you look at the bottom of the letter that came with the debit card it says that for security concerns they mail my pin code seperate from my debit card. Usually takes about 2 or 3 days. The card came on Friday. So I assume I will get my pin code tomorrow or Thursday. So I have this card that allows access to my bank account so I can withdraw money. Money I need to live in one of the most expensive places on earth. Money I can't reach until the bank sends my pin code later. So I have a card that is useless until another piece of mail arrives days later. That's okay I don't need money where cans of pringles cost 3 francs, or small microwave pizzas cost 10 francs, 1lb of meat is about 12 francs.. No don't need it. At least I can change my pin code when it arrives.