Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Let's Do Some Swiss E-Banking

So this is my Debit card. I got it last Friday. Alright lets check my balance to see if my wire transfer from America made it.

Alright, I've logged into the e-finance website from my bank. Enter user name, sure will. Alright now I need a challenge code. So we'll go ahead ands use this thing. No it is not a calculator.

See look it has a slot in the back for my debit card.

Alright I need a challenge code. Ok so I insert my card into the reader as shown and it says to enter the challenge code from the e-finance website. Sweet it looks like I am almost there.
Oh looks like there is one more step. I need to enter my pin code for my debit card. Awwww man. Well alright just one more step. Now what did I put down for my pin-code. Hmmmmmmm. Maybe I put it in my bag.......Up no not there. Maybe I wrote it down somewhere. Okay lets see, school schedule, map of Winterthur, notes from class,..... oh
here is something from the bank about my debit card maybe I wrote it on this sheet.
Well thats weird it says that I have recieved my card, but that they will send my pin code later. Awesome so here's how this works. You first recieve your debit card. Then some more mail about your on-line banking. If you look at the bottom of the letter that came with the debit card it says that for security concerns they mail my pin code seperate from my debit card. Usually takes about 2 or 3 days. The card came on Friday. So I assume I will get my pin code tomorrow or Thursday. So I have this card that allows access to my bank account so I can withdraw money. Money I need to live in one of the most expensive places on earth. Money I can't reach until the bank sends my pin code later. So I have a card that is useless until another piece of mail arrives days later. That's okay I don't need money where cans of pringles cost 3 francs, or small microwave pizzas cost 10 francs, 1lb of meat is about 12 francs.. No don't need it. At least I can change my pin code when it arrives.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing. Never dreamed it would be that involved.
